What’s CST ever done for anyone?
You may well ask. If you are thinking about getting involved with CST you would probably like to know if it is any help at all to those who already belong. I think that the answer we would give is a resounding yes! Have a look at the testimonials at the bottom of the page.
The fact is that when you are trying to open or run a school with a distinctively Christian ethos it is tough going and there are not many people around who you can ask for help. The great benefit of CST is that it is full of people who are all involved with the same issues as you are. They understand the hopes and dreams, struggles and pressures, failures and successes because they have faced them as well. What is more, they have found the help of God in those times to be the only satisfactory solution.
CST offers friendship, support, experience, resources, training and conference opportunities from within its own ranks as well as from our friends across the UK and beyond. We also represent this aspect of the educational world with the government through the Department for Education as well as with other national and international Christian groups.
We also offer guest membership. If you would like to know more about this then please contact the CST office on 01905 759 740 Monday to Wednesday or email office@christianschoolstrust.co.uk
As usual with such groups, the amount that you receive from us will increase as you get more involved so chat with us or perhaps come to one of our occasions to discover more.
Bradford Christian School
Bradford Christian School values being a member of the Christian Schools Trust; we value being able to network with other Christians working in education in similar circumstances to ourselves. We value the opportunity to visit other settings and benefit from the conferences and leadership days facilitated by the Trust. We appreciate the legal advice made available and at times, just the knowledge that there is someone else working with the same kinds of issues we are challenged with at our school available for help and support. Our staff appreciate being able to meet and work with other colleagues with similar areas of responsibility to themselves. The office is friendly, efficient and helpful.
Emmanuel School, Walsall
CST helps you realise that you are not alone. There are others who are going through the same joys and challenges as you are. There are people who can support, advise, encourage and pray for you and help equip you to be the schools that God would want us to be.
Trinity School, Stalybridge
It is great to be a CST member and to be able to partner with them in making Christian education accessible for children. CST has provided us with many benefits which include up to date information, educational initiatives and procedures and the admin staff are always ‘on the end of the phone’ to give advice and guidance. The training organised by CST has always been relevant and well run. Thank you CST for your great service and sacrifice.