Associated/International Schools
Emmanuel Community School (TEST)
The Drive, Walthamstow, London, E17 3BN
Tel: 0208 5200 775
Head Teacher: Mrs J Sajuwa – Interim Headteacher
Office Manager: Ms Davis-Clarke
Being a member of CST brings many benefits and creates stonger links with other independent Christian schools. One of the options is our Associated/International school membership.
Becoming an Associate School or International Paid Member School
The following information is important should you wish to become a CST member.
- In exploring associate or international membership, a headteacher may be invited to join a CST meeting or conference to experience the relational network.
- The CEO may offer guest membership for one year to access some CST benefits by way of exploring membership of CST (One-year guest membership is £150)
- The CEO may offer additional free benefits to those in challenging international financial circumstances. We endeavour to send our representatives to the CST Heads’ Days, Regional Days, Essential Christian Teacher training, and our staff to CST conferences, where we will receive discounted places.
- After one year of guest membership, furthering and renewing ‘Associate School’ membership will require a declaration of pupil numbers in determining the annual fee, as with full member schools. (Associate schools, are unable to be full member schools but will receive the benefits of networking and training for their Christian teachers and leaders, and a 10% reduction on a CST section S48 inspection)
For more information or to receive the CST membership policy & procedure, please contact Therese Tinnion at