From time to time we will update our prayer calendar and also feature specific requests where applicable. In the meantime, it would be great if you could consider the pointers below. Remember, if you have a prayer request for either yourself or your school, please contact the CST office.
Each day, please pray for each other, our local communities, and our nation.
Pray for all students especially new students, starting a new term. That the Lord will give them peace.
Praise and thank God for His provision in all our schools. Prayers are gratefully received for staffing, finance, new pupils etc.
Prayer is needed for all school Head Teachers and staff as they continually make sacrifices to provide Christian education. Pray for all who are in Christian education and Christian educators across the world. These faithful servants are so grateful for your prayers.
The CST 2025 conference, ‘The Fire of Faith’, bookings are open. Please pray that there will be a good number of Christian educators who book in. This conference is for Head/Deputy Head teachers, Leaders of departments, Teachers, Administrators, Governors and Trustees. For more information, please follow the link here
Pray for all new Christian Schools that are in the process of starting up at such a difficult time. That God will provide everything they need. Thank you. Also, thank the Lord for the new Schools that have become members of CST. Pray for our schools
Praise the Lord for the local churches which support Christian schools. Please pray that more Christians will see the benefits of Christ-centered schools and will offer practical help.
Give thanks to God for the CST team who volunteer their time to serve our schools. They give sacrificially and with joy. Pray for them as they seek how to serve the CST schools the best way they can.